How to reapply for your permit
How do I log into the online wildlife permit system?
You can log into your account via the following website:
Where are my Account details located?
To view your account details click on the drop down arrow located next to your name at the top right hand side of the screen and select
'My Account' : -
How do I reapply for my permit?
To reapply for your existing permit(s) you will need to view your list of current permit(s) by following these steps:
- Select 'My Account'
- Click on the view button located to the right of 'Current Permits'
- Click Reapply to submit your reapplication.
Will I have to complete a brand new application?
For permit holders who have previously completed all of the assessment criteria:
No. Your application will be prefilled with all of your details from your previous years application form. Please note however that due to an annual review of our application forms there may be some additional criteria that you may be required to address.For existing permit holders who migrated to the new permit system last financial year and bypassed the assessment criteria in 2021/22:
Yes. If you held a permit in 2020/21 and did not initially address or complete all of the application criteria upon reapplication in 2021/22 you are required to complete the sections of the form that are currently blank. Permit holders were given a 12 month grace period in 2021-22 so did not need to complete all of the assessment criteria during this reapplication process. We are now moving through the process to update and validate the information previously supplied and there is an expectation that if the information is not provided this year it will be provided by the end of the reapplication process in 2023. We would encourage permit holders to provide the relevant information this year rather than delaying until a later date. -
Will I need to address the application criteria every year?
No. Whilst the department reserves the right to ask permit holders to provide relevant information relating to the application criteria each year (noting that each year permit holders are re-applying for a permit, they are not renewable) this requirement is not currently anticipated to be a recurring one. Future reapplications will be prefilled with answers provided by permit holders and stored in the permit system for future re-applications.
What if I no longer have access to documentation supplied on my original application (references, vet reports etc.)?
If you do not have access to your original documentation please contact the DEW Fauna Permits Unit on (08) 8124 4972 to discuss what is required.
I am the holder of a Basic Permit to keep and Sell Protected Animals. How do I complete the ‘Animals currently kept’ section?
For the purposes of the reapplication only please click ‘no’ to the question ‘Do you currently keep any Basic species? This information is already captured in your online record book so is not required to be listed again on your application.
Can I add additional animals to my reapplication?
No. Please only list animals that are currently endorsed on your 2021/22 permit.
If you wish to add an additional animal to your permit please contact the DEW Fauna Permits Unit via telephone: (08) 8124 4972 or email: for further information.
What happens if I close my application before I finish it?
Your reapplication starts as soon as you click the ‘Reapply’ button. If you close or click out of the application before it is submitted you will find the application saved in your account under your 'Draft applications'.
How do I update my Personal Details?
Your personal details can be found and updated by selecting 'Manage my Profile'.
Will I retain my current permit number?
To ensure that you retain your current permit number you must complete and submit your reapplication form prior to 15 July 2022.
How do I submit my annual return?
An email notification will be sent to permit holders in relation to the 2021/22 permit return process with instructions on how to submit your online return closer to the due date (permit returns are due 14 days after the 30 June). In the interim please ensure that your online record book is accurate and up to date.